Porter Five Forces Analysis(波特五力分析)

Porter five forces analysis is a framework that attempts to analyze the level of competition within an industry and business strategy development. It draws upon industrial organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of an Industry. Attractiveness in this context refers to the overall industry profitability. An “unattractive” industry is one in which the combination of these five forces acts to drive down overall profitability. A very unattractive industry would be one approaching “pure competition”, in which available profits for all firms are driven to normal profit. This analysis is associated with its principal innovator Michael E. Porter of Harvard University.

波特五力分析是一個試圖分析行業(yè)內(nèi)競爭水平和業(yè)務(wù)戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展的框架。它利用產(chǎn)業(yè)組織(IO)經(jīng)濟學得出了五種力,這些力決定了一個行業(yè)的競爭強度和吸引力。在這種情況下的“吸引力”指的是整個行業(yè)的盈利能力?!皼]有吸引力”的行業(yè)是指這五種力量的結(jié)合會降低整體盈利能力的行業(yè)。一個非常沒有吸引力的行業(yè)將是一個接近“純競爭”的行業(yè),在這個行業(yè)中,所有公司的可用利潤都被驅(qū)趕到正常利潤。這項分析與哈佛大學的主要創(chuàng)新者邁克爾·E·波特(Michael E. Porter)有關(guān)。

Porter referred to these forces as the micro environment, to contrast it with the more general term macro environment. They consist of those forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve its customers and make a profit. A change in any of the forces normally requires a business unit to re-assess the marketplace given the overall change in industry information. The overall industry attractiveness does not imply that every firm in the industry will return the same profitability. Firms are able to apply their core competencies, business model or network to achieve a profit above the industry average. A clear example of this is the airline industry. As an industry, profitability is low and yet individual companies, by applying unique business models, have been able to make a return in excess of the industry average.


Porter’s five forces include – three forces from ‘horizontal’ competition: the threat of substitute products or services, the threat of established rivals, and the threat of new entrants; and two forces from ‘vertical’ competition: the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of customers.


Porter developed his Five Forces analysis in reaction to the then-popular SWOT analysis, which he found unrigorous and ad hoc.[1] Porter’s five forces is based on the Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm in industrial organizational economics. It has been applied to a diverse range of problems, from helping businesses become more profitable to helping governments stabilize industries.[2] Other Porter strategic frameworks include the value chain and the generic strategies.

波特開發(fā)了五力分析,以回應當時流行的SWOT分析。他發(fā)現(xiàn)SWOT分析不嚴謹,而且是臨時性的。[1]波特五力是基于產(chǎn)業(yè)組織經(jīng)濟學中的結(jié)構(gòu)-行為-績效范式。它被應用于(處理)各種各樣的問題,它被應用于各種各樣的問題,從幫助企業(yè)變得更有利可圖到幫助政府穩(wěn)定行業(yè)。[2] 波特的其他戰(zhàn)略框架包括價值鏈和通用戰(zhàn)略。

Five forces

Porter Five Forces Analysis(波特五力分析)

Threat of new entrants

Profitable markets that yield high returns will attract new firms. This results in many new entrants, which eventually will decrease profitability for all firms in the industry. Unless the entry of new firms can be blocked by incumbents (which in business refers to the largest company in a certain industry, for instance, in telecommunications, the traditional phone company, typically called the “incumbent operator”??, the abnormal profit rate will trend towards zero (perfect competition).


The following factors can have an effect on how much of a threat new entrants may pose:


The existence of barriers to entry (patents, rights, etc.). The most attractive segment is one in which entry barriers are high and exit barriers are low. Few new firms can enter and non-performing firms can exit easily.
Government policy
Capital requirements
Absolute cost
Cost disadvantages independent of size
Economies of scale
Economies of product differences
Product differentiation
Brand equity
Switching costs or sunk costs
Expected retaliation
Access to distribution
Customer loyalty to established brands
Industry profitability (the more profitable the industry the more attractive it will be to new competitors)

Threat of substitute products or services

The existence of products outside of the realm of the common product boundaries increases the propensity of customers to switch to alternatives. For example, tap water might be considered a substitute for Coke, whereas Pepsi is a competitor’s similar product. Increased marketing for drinking tap water might “shrink the pie” for both Coke and Pepsi, whereas increased Pepsi advertising would likely “grow the pie” (increase consumption of all soft drinks), albeit while giving Pepsi a larger slice at Coke’s expense. Another example is the substitute of a landline phone with a cellular phone.


Potential factors:
Buyer propensity to substitute
Relative price performance of substitute
Buyer switching costs
Perceived level of product differentiation
Number of substitute products available in the market
Ease of substitution
Substandard product
Quality depreciation
Availability of close substitute

Bargaining power of customers (buyers)

The bargaining power of customers is also described as the market of outputs: the ability of customers to put the firm under pressure, which also affects the customer’s sensitivity to price changes. Firms can take measures to reduce buyer power, such as implementing a loyalty program. The buyer power is high if the buyer has many alternatives. The buyer power is low if they act independently e.g. If a large number of customers will act with each other and ask to make prices low the company will have no other choice because of large number of customers pressure.


Potential factors:
Buyer concentration to firm concentration ratio
Degree of dependency upon existing channels of distribution
Bargaining leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed costs
Buyer switching costs relative to firm switching costs
Buyer information availability
Force down prices
Availability of existing substitute products
Buyer price sensitivity
Differential advantage (uniqueness) of industry products
RFM (customer value) Analysis
The total amount of trading


Bargaining power of suppliers

The bargaining power of suppliers is also described as the market of inputs. Suppliers of raw materials, components, labor, and services (such as expertise) to the firm can be a source of power over the firm when there are few substitutes. If you are making biscuits and there is only one person who sells flour, you have no alternative but to buy it from them. Suppliers may refuse to work with the firm or charge excessively high prices for unique resources.


Potential factors are:
Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching costs
Degree of differentiation of inputs
Impact of inputs on cost or differentiation
Presence of substitute inputs
Strength of distribution channel
Supplier concentration to firm concentration ratio
Employee solidarity (e.g. labor unions)
Supplier competition: the ability to forward vertically integrate and cut out the buyer.

Intensity of competitive rivalry
For most industries the intensity of competitive rivalry is the major determinant of the competitiveness of the industry.


Potential factors:
Sustainable competitive advantage through innovation
Competition between online and offline companies
Level of advertising expense
Powerful competitive strategy
Firm concentration ratio
Degree of transparency

Strategy consultants occasionally use Porter’s five forces framework when making a qualitative evaluation of a firm’s strategic position. However, for most consultants, the framework is only a starting point or “checklist.” They might use value chain or another type of analysis in conjunction.[3] Like all general frameworks, an analysis that uses it to the exclusion of specifics about a particular situation is considered naive.

戰(zhàn)略顧問在對公司戰(zhàn)略地位進行定性評估時,偶爾會使用波特五力框架。然而,對于大多數(shù)顧問來說,該框架只是一個起點或“清單”他們可能會結(jié)合使用價值鏈或其他類型的分析。[3] 與所有通用框架一樣,使用它來排除特定情況的細節(jié)的分析被認為是幼稚的。

According to Porter, the five forces model should be used at the line-of-business industry level; it is not designed to be used at the industry group or industry sector level. An industry is defined at a lower, more basic level: a market in which similar or closely related products and/or services are sold to buyers. (See industry information.) A firm that competes in a single industry should develop, at a minimum, one five forces analysis for its industry. Porter makes clear that for diversified companies, the first fundamental issue in corporate strategy is the selection of industries (lines of business) in which the company should compete; and each line of business should develop its own, industry-specific, five forces analysis. The average Global 1,000 company competes in approximately 52 industries (lines of business)[citation needed].



Porter’s framework has been challenged by other academics and strategists such as Stewart Neill. Similarly, the likes of ABC, Kevin P. Coyne [1] and Somu Subramaniam have stated that three dubious assumptions underlie the five forces:

波特的框架受到了斯圖爾特·尼爾(Stewart Neill)等其他學者和戰(zhàn)略家的挑戰(zhàn)。類似地,ABC、Kevin P.Coyne[1]和Somu Subramaniam等人也表示,這五種力背后有三個可疑的假設(shè):

That buyers, competitors, and suppliers are unrelated and do not interact and collude.
That the source of value is structural advantage (creating barriers to entry).
That uncertainty is low, allowing participants in a market to plan for and respond to competitive behavior.[4]

An important extension to Porter was found in the work of Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff of Yale School of Management in the mid-1990s. Using game theory, they added the concept of complementors (also called “the 6th force”??, helping to explain the reasoning behind strategic alliances. Complementors are known as the impact of related products and services already in the market. [5]The idea that complementors are the sixth force has often been credited to Andrew Grove, former CEO of Intel Corporation. According to most references, the sixth force is government or the public. Martyn Richard Jones, whilst consulting at Groupe Bull, developed an augmented 5 forces model in Scotland in 1993. It is based on Porter’s model and includes Government (national and regional) as well as Pressure Groups as the notional 6th force. This model was the result of work carried out as part of Groupe Bull’s Knowledge Asset Management Organisation initiative.

20世紀90年代中期,耶魯大學管理學院的亞當·勃蘭登伯格(Adam Brandenburger)和巴里·納勒布夫(Barry Nalebuff)的工作中發(fā)現(xiàn)了波特的一個重要延伸。利用博弈論,他們加入了互補者(也稱為“第六力”)的概念,幫助解釋戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)盟背后的原因?;パa者被稱為市場上已有的相關(guān)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的影響。[5] 互補者是第六種力的觀點經(jīng)常被歸功于英特爾公司前首席執(zhí)行官安德魯·格羅夫(Andrew Grove)。根據(jù)大多數(shù)參考資料,第六種力是政府或公眾。馬丁·理查德·瓊斯(Martyn Richard Jones)在波爾集團(Groupe Bull)擔任顧問期間,于1993年在蘇格蘭開發(fā)了一個增強的五力模型。他以波特的模型為基礎(chǔ),包括政府(國家和地區(qū))以及壓力團體作為概念上的第六種力。該模型是Groupe Bull知識資產(chǎn)管理組織倡議的一部分成果。

Porter indirectly rebutted the assertions of other forces, by referring to innovation, government, and complementary products and services as “factors” that affect the five forces.[6]


It is also perhaps not feasible to evaluate the attractiveness of an industry independent of the resources a firm brings to that industry. It is thus argued (Wernerfelt 1984)[7] that this theory be coupled with the Resource-Based View (RBV) in order for the firm to develop a much more sound strategy. It provides a simple perspective for accessing and analyzing the competitive strength and position of a corporation, business or organization.

獨立于企業(yè)為該行業(yè)帶來的資源,評估該行業(yè)的吸引力也可能是不可行的。因此,有人認為(Wernerfelt 1984)[7]該理論應與基于資源的觀點(RBV)相結(jié)合,以便企業(yè)制定更合理的戰(zhàn)略。它為訪問和分析公司、企業(yè)或組織的競爭力和地位提供了一個簡單的視角。


  1. Michael Porter, Nicholas Argyres, Anita M. McGahan, “An Interview with Michael Porter”, The Academy of Management Executive 16:2:44 at JSTOR
  2. Michael Simkovic, Competition and Crisis in Mortgage Securitization
  3. Tang, David (21 October 2014). “Introduction to Strategy Development and Strategy Execution”. Flevy. Retrieved 2 November 2014.
  4. Kevin P. Coyne and Somu Subramaniam, “Bringing discipline to strategy”, The McKinsey Quarterly, 1996, Number 4, pp. 14-25 http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/six-forces-model.asp
  5. Michael E. Porter. “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy”, Harvard Business Review, January 2008, p.86-104. PDF
  6. Wernerfelt, B. (1984), A resource-based view of the firm, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 5, (April–June): pp. 171-180


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